Detective Wayne Nichols and Investigator Dory Clarkson have joined a PI office headed by former Detective PD Pascoe. Their first client, Cara, comes with a missing person's case. Cara got pregnant in high school and baby Danny was adopted. Cara got a letter from Danny's girlfriend saying he has been assaulted. She wants her son found but insists on complete confidentiality. Her husband can't know about Danny.
Detective Wayne, Investigator Dory, Detective PD Pascoe and Billy Jo Bradley meet Lexie Lovell. Her father just died and as his only child, she was expecting to inherit his estate. She gets a shock when the attorney says her father split his estate with her brother. Brother? What brother? Lexie always believed herself to be an only child. The estate can't be distributed until the brother is found and Rosedale Investigations keeps coming up with nothing.
Rosedale Investigations team has two cases this time: a missing woman and a client who wants a provenance created for an antique painting. The missing woman dies in an accident but the team doubts it was accidental. The owner of the painting asks Billy Jo to lock the painting in Rosedale Investigations safe, but when the other employees arrive the next morning, there is no sign of the painting, Billy Jo is missing and a blood trail leads out to the street.